nth much on apartment stay le...lolx...
went to bayu emas apartment organised by college mates....apartment stay...
batu feringhi there....far...lolx....
went there around 3+ after fetching a friend from jetty....hehe.....
reach there time played some mah jong....cards......
then went to the beach at sunset bistro there de......
so hot...lolx.....ate ice kacang there...rm2 ni.....
the rest go walk around and fool around while some just sit at the shop there hiding from the sun....
some of the pics...hehe....dunno how to bring down....aih...
later on went back to the apartment and eat steamboat!!!!!
not bad also...hehe....
went to gp around 11+......movie time!!!!!
the uninvited.....can die le that movie
suck like hell....
u all dont go watch....xD
after movie went to martini.....saja go sit sit and relax a while....back around 2.....
the rain omg!!!!!!!! hard to watch the road...dam big.....so scared while driving.....
drove extra slow...hehe....
reach home then cont play cards....till morning......
slept maybe 2+ hours only.....then check out around 12 and back....reached home around 2+
bath....eat a while....then go for nap till 5........went to basketballl after that.....
for more pics i think must find from facebook d....since i no camera de...hehe....
nights all......still tired....